Bei einer Ayurvedakur,wird jede Behandlung speziell auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmt. Der ausgebildete Arzt ,stellt das Programm nach Untersuchung und Gespräch mit Ihnen für die Dauer Ihres Aufenthalts zusammen. Es ist das Bestreben der ausgebildeten Fachkräfte.
Ihren Körper und Geist wieder ins Gleichgewicht zu bringen.Oder Ihnen einfach ein wenig Erholung vom Alltag zu bieten.Sie bestimmen welche Art Urlaub/ Kur Sie möchten. 7 Tage Kur,14 Tage Kur oder 21 Tage Kur bieten wir an. |
Folgende Anwendungen sind im Programm: |
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Panchakarma –Reinigung des Körpers |
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Abhyanga – Synchron Massage |
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Drasvasveda -Kräuter Bad |
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Ushmasveda - Kräuter Dampf Bad |
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Vaaspasveda - Kräuter Inhalation |
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Sarawangadara -Fermentation |
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Shirodara - Öl Strahl Kopfbehandlung |
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Lepa / Alepa -Kräuter Packungen |
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Phisichill - Öl Massage |
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Nasya -Nasen Reinigung |
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Pichu -Peeling |
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Pindasveda - Milchreis Behandlung |
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Virechana -Darmreinigung |
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Ayurveda Facial Treatment-Ayurveda |
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Gesichtsbehandlung |
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Flower Bath - Blumenbad |
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Herbal Decoction - Kräutersud (innerlich) |
Yoga / Meditation
Die Worte,Der Mensch lebt nicht vom Brot allein , haben ihre Richtigkeit. Körper, Geist Und Seele müssen im Einklang sein, sonst fühlen wir uns nicht wohl.
Yoga kann uns dabei Helfen. Wir haben einen Yogalehrer mit langer Erfahrung zur verfügung und arangieren Termine für sie. |
In der heutigen Zeit , in Europa, mit Hektik und Stress auf der einen, Elktronischen einflüssen
Und Umweltproblemen auf der Andern Seite. Ist es schwierig abzuschalten. Zeit für sich selber
Zu haben und die Signale des eigenen Körpers wahrzunehmen. Gönnen Sie sich Erholung, bevor
Sie Ausgebrannt sind. Meditation ist ein gutes Mittel ,ihnen Ihre innere Ruhe und
Ausgeglichenheit zurück zu geben.Das Oasey Beach Hotel hat auch dafür ausgebildete-
Fachleute zur Verfügung. Die Spiriuelle nähe zum Budismus kann die Meditation günstig
Beeinflussenund Ihnen helfen wieder einen Klaren Kopf zu bekommen.
Oasey Beach Hotel bringt Geist , Körper und Seele in Einklang
Body Massage |
We start this treatment by applying oil to a
part of the body, and start massaging according to doctor’s
advice, either gently or roughtly along the muscle formation.
While pressing the certain hormonal points on the body.
massage is done synchrosonously, to prevent parts of the body
getting over activated. Body Massage is a part of Snehakarma
and Swedakarma, the sweating therapy. |
Face Massage |
We start this treatment by applying cream or
oil according to the need of your face, and gently massage
along the muscle formation of your face.
This massage has to
be done under most silent condition and then you will feet
more relaxed, and might fall asleep while doing the massage,
After two or three days, others will see a remarkable
brightness in your face and a smooth skin which gives more
younger appearance to the body. |
Foot Massage |
A balm for weary feet. This treatment begins
with a relaxing foot soak using mint to refresh tired soles.
This is followed by an aromatic foot and leg massage using
essential oils to promote circulation and cool tired feet. |
Flower Bath |
Herbal bath is another treatment that we give at the end of
the daily treatment. The purpose of the herbal bath is to wash
away all the harmful micro organisms which has come out of the
body, due to the different treatments.
For this purposes, we
prepare this natural disinfectant water by boiling ten
different types of fresh herbs and dry herbs together.
gives more medicinal effect of herbs to the body. This is the last of treatment course. |
We fill the normal
bathtub, with fresh flowers, water and add seven different
types of fresh scents into it. This gives a relaxing feeling
and good effect to the body. Normally the fragrant smell of
the water will remain in your body for nearly two days. |
Rice Pack Massage and Steam
Inhalation |
This is a very special treatment that you will get during
the third part of the course, which also has to be done before
noon. Before rice pack massage, the therapists will apply
oil, on your body, and massage the body with a steamed rice
The rice pack is made out of rice, that cooked with
different herbal medicines and at the moment of the massage
this pack is steamed and kept on the body, at a low
temperature which the body can bear.
gives relief to muscle pain. |
Steam Inhalation |
For this treatment, we boil ten types of fresh herbs and
dry herbs together, according to the necessity of the body,
and we allow the person to inhale the fumes, according to the
time which the doctor has prescribed.
(a) To clear the lungs
(b) To clear the
sinus passages |
Shirodhara |
This is a very special and effective treatment for the
stress condition, which is done under the perfect silent
condition before noon. By this treatment we increase the blood circulation of the
brain, to provide more nourishment to repair brain cells and
to generate more brain cells.
This is very effective for the
eye site, ears, and migraine and headaches. It improves the
memory and makes you to have more relaxed mind. |
Intensive Massage |
Intensive massage is done in the second part of your
treatment course instead of the synchron body massage. The
therapists will apply oil on the body, and make you to
exercise each part of your body, as well as the joints. In
Sanskrit language, this is known as ‘Abiyanga’. This treatment
is specially designed for people, who has stiff joints, joint
pain and stiff muscles, usually known as arthritis
condition. |
Steam Bath |
This is also a treatment to make the body sweat, by
directing the herbal steam to the whole body, it is something
similar to sauna, but it is not the same. This is known as
swedakarma. |